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Фредерик Уэртхэм



© by Southern Illinois University Press, 1973; Пер. с англ. В. Фёдоров

Wertham F. The World of Fanzines: A Special Form of Communication.- Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973.- p. 135-144.

Пер. в эл. вид Ю. Зубакин, 2002

Назад Начало Вперед

Ackerman, Forrest J., 65
"Acruzil", 6, 85
Adventure fiction, 44
"The Adventures of Prince Achmed", 1, 2
Advertising in fanzines, 80, 117
Ages of editors, 121-23
Aldiss, Brian W., 48
"Aleph Null", 54, 82, 93
"Algol", 38, 47
"All Dynamic", 74, 87
Alpajpuri, 28, 36
Alroy, Mike, 110
"Alter Ego", 57
Amateurs and professionals, 74
Amateurs vs. dilettantes, 74
"Amazing Stories", 45
American origin of comic books, 58
"Amra", 54, 84, 95
"Analog", 47, 51
Anderson, Chuck, 104
Anderson, Poul, 73,104
"Andromeda", 47
"Anomaly", 44, 54
Antiviolence in science fiction, 51-52
Art: extraterrestrial beings depicted, 108; copying or "swiping," 109; mentioned, 72, 107-10
Articles, 94-96
Asimov, Isaac, 52
Astounding Science Fiction, 48
"Awry", 51, 97

Bails, Jerry, 57, 62
Ballard, J. G, 41, 47, 64
"Ballyhoo", 96
Bama, James E., 108
Barrier, Mike, 61
Bateman, H. M., 59
Batten, J. D., 108
Baudelaire, 89
"BeABohema", 28, 112, 125
Bell, Eric Temple, 44
Benjamin, Walter, 50
Bennett, Arnold, 49
Bergeron, Richard, 21, 114
Betrock, Alan, 116
Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 50
Blish, James, 46, 79, 106, 116, 127
Bloch, Robert, 46, 51, 100
Bluhm, Warren, 87, 111, 128
Boardman, John, 46, 53, 95
Boardman, Tom, Jr., 47
Bode, Vaughn, 127
Bok, Hannes, 40
Book reviews, 112-14
Bova, Ben,51
Bradbury, Ray, 44,46, 89
Brancatelli, Joe,36
Brazier, Donn, 75
Brown, Charlie: as critic, 128; mentioned, 50, 75,112
Brown, Charlie and Dena, 36
Brunner, John, 95
Burger, Joanne, 121
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 53-63
Busch, Wilhelm, 59
Busnyager, Linda, 37, 38, 99, 121
Bushyager, Linda and Ron, 36
"Buyer's Guide", 36

Campbell, John Ramsey, 116
"Can Can", 72
Caniff, Milton, 4, 59
"Cape", 37
"Captain George's Comic World", 50, 58
Caputo, S., 7
"Carandaith", 36, 50
Caran d'Ache, 59
Cardozo, Bob, 6
Carlberg, Stven, 93
Carter, Lin, 48, 54
Cartoons, 109
"CB Fanfair", 12
Censorship, 71, 73, 98, 106
"Champion", 59
Clancy, Raymond, 103
Collecting, 116-18
"The Collector", 85
"The Comet", 38
Comfort, Dr. Alex, 41, 61
"Comic Art", 57
Comic books, 58
"Comic Crusader", 17, 81, 85
"Comic Fandom Monthly", 18, 48
"Comic Forum", 7, 32
"Comicology", 72
Comics: literature on, 58-59; mentioned, 57-61
Comic strips, 44, 58, 59, 60, 110
Communication: as control, 72; mentioned, 35, 121, 123, 129, 132-33
Conan, 54
Conder, Charles, 43
Conger, Wally, 50, 92
Conventions, 118-19
Cosgrave, Bob, 59
"Cosign", 31, 114
Coulson, Juanita, 121, 127
Coulson, Robert, 75, 83, 112, 116, 131
Coulson, Robert and Juanita, 36
"The Creative Adventure", 76
Creativeness, 123
Critical writing, 110-12
"Critique", 75
Crumb, Robert, 24, 60, 61
"Cry of the Nameless", 118
Cummings, E. E., 103
"Cypher", 47, 64

Danner, William, 37
Daumier, 89
de Camp, L. Sprague, 54, 55, 100, 104, 113
Decker, Dwight, 42, 72, 113
Delap, Richard, 50
Del Rey, Lester, 119
Denny, Scott, 118
Derleth, August, 55
Ditko, Steve, 108
Dorf, Shel, 58
Drugs, 104, 124-25
Dunsany, Lord, 56

Editorials, 88-89
Editorial writers, 130
Eisner, Will, 73, 99-100
Ellison, Harlan, 47
Elvish script, 5
"Embelyon", 94
"Empirial Comics", 27
"Energumen", 28, 36
"Eon", 107
European origin of comic strips, 58
Evanier, Mark, 95, 125
Extraterrestrial being: drawn by Scheerbart, 3, 108

Fagan, Tom, 90
"Fandom Newsletter", 10, 74
"Fandom Unlimited", 15, 36, 58
Fantasy: aspects of, 41; variety of material, 43; mentioned, 40-44
Fantasy adventure fiction, 53
"Fantasy Advertiser", 23
"Fantasy Comics", 57
"Fantasy Features", 122
Fantasy fiction, 44, 53-57
"Fantasy News", 39, 85
"Fanzation", 39, 85
Fanzines: multiple topics in, 22; defined, 33; etymology, 33; character of, 35; audience for, 35; sources for, 36; bibliographic difficulties, 37; number of, 38; subgroups, 38; as communication, 38; historical origin, 38-40; common denominator in, 43; subject matter of, 44; terms in, 61-65; list of, 66-71; independence of, 71-72; economic factors in, 74-75; methods of printing, 81-83; distribution of, 83-85; circulation of, 85; prices of, 85-86; copyrights of, 86; editorials in, 88-89; production as education, 89; fiction in, 92-94; general articles in, 94-97; interviews in, 99-101; critical writing in, 110-12; producers of, 119; youthful editors of, 121-23; spontaneity in, 130; writing in, 130; idealism in, 131; as a social reagent, 132; as indicators of the dynamics of small groups, 132
Fanzinese, 61
Feiffer, Jules, 33, 116
Feiniger, Lyonel, 59
Feldstein, Al, 100
Forrest, John, 95
Foss, Ronn, 17, 37, 74
France, Anatole, 42, 50
Fratz, Doug, 79
Frazetta, Frank, 40
Freud, 120
"Funnyworld", 61

Gafford, Carl, 9
"Galaxy", 47
Gardner, Thomas S., 39
Gaughan, Jack, 72, 99
Geary, Gerard, 127
George, 37, 60
Gernsback, Hugo, 45, 49
Gerrold, Dave, 115, 131
Gilbert, Robert E, 16
Gilliland, Alexis, 11
Glicksohn, Mike and Susan, 36
Glyer, Mike, 47
"Glyph", 5
Goethe, 43
"Gothique", 55
Gottfried, Max, 92
"Gradiva", 120
"Grafan", 36
"Granfalloon", 36, 37, 72, 99
"Graphic Story Magazine", 59, 61
Greene, Bob, 37
Greim, Martin, 59, 127
Gustaveson, Robert, 41
Guy, Bill, 32

Hammett, Dashiell, 55
Handsaker, Dean, 94
Hanley, Alan, 15
Harrison, Harry, 45, 48
"Haverings", 36, 121
Hayakawa, S. I., 47
Heinlein, Robert A., 46
Heminger, Vera, 118
Henley, Bill, Jr., 95, 115
Henry, Ann, 128
"Heroic", 83
Hillegas, Mark R., 41, 51
"The Hobbit", 55-56
Hoffman, Stanley, 83
Hogarth, William, 58
"Horizon", 37
Howard, Robert E., 44, 54
"The Howard Collector", 55
Humor, 101-2
Hunter, A., 23

Interviews, 86, 99-101, 108
Inwood, Bob, 108
Isaacs, Mark, 14

"Jack High", 61, 90
Jaschek, Walter, 36, 93, 97
Jeeves, Terry, 28
Jensen, Johannes V., 104
Johnson, Frank, 7
Jones, Eddie, 29

Kane, Bob, 99
Kipling, Rudyard, 49
"Kipple", 50, 96
Kirk, Tim, 26, 56
Kishel, Greg, 89, 112, 122-23
Kline, Robert, 54
Klingstein, Lee, 113
Korbas, Charles, 109
Kranefuss, Michael, 32
Krenkel, Roy G., 18
Kubin, Alfred, 52
Kwiat, Mario, 8, 108

Lang, Fritz, 49, 114
Larson, Randall, 36, 100
Lasswell, Harold, 35
Lasswitz, Kurd, 51-52
Latham, Larry, 13
Lawrence, D. H., 34, 124
Lebowitz, Jerry, 42
"Leech", 82, 114
Leiber, Fritz, 54
Letters, 75, 96, 97-99
Lewton, David, 94
Light, Alan, 36, 87
Lindsay, Ethel, 36, 121, 129
"Little magazines", 78-79
LoCicero, T. V, 98
"Locus", 29, 30, 36, 50, 56, 72, 73
"Los Angeles Free Press", 76
Love, G. B., 36
Lovecraft, H. P., 55
Lowndes, Robert A. W., 38, 73, 74, 79
"Luna Monthly", 52
Lunney, Frank, 28
Lupoff, Pat, 121
Lupoff, Pat and Dick, 57, 96
Lupoff, Richard, 33,46, 53, 115
Luttrell, Hank, 116
Luttrell, Lesleigh, 121
Lynch, Jay, 60, 61, 90

McCarthy, Eugene, 103
McGeehan, John, 36, 53
Mackay, John, 27, 109
McKinnon, Billy M., 32
McLuhan, Marshall, 50
"Mad" magazine, 100
Marijuana, 124, 125
Martynow, Georgi, 45
"Mathom", 96
Matthews, Gordon, 91, 107, 111
"Maybe", 97
Merril, Judith, 42, 64
Meyrink, Gustav, 113
Miller, Ron, 31
"Minotaur", 9
"Mithras", 11, 53
"Moebius Trip", 19, 126
Moorcock, Michael, 64
Moore, Harry T., 35
"More", 87
Morris, William, 54
Moscowitz, Sam, 34, 39
Movies: shown at conventions, 118; mentioned, 114-15, 118
Music, 115-16
"Mythlore", 54

"Napalm", 50, 125
Napier, Robert, 60
"Niekas", 94, 102
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 50
"Nostalgia", 47
"Nucleus", 20

"Oaf", 13
"Omniphleb", 90
"Oracle", 81
Orzechowski, Tom, 40

Parrish, Max, 40
Patten, Fred, 42
"Pegasus", 121
"Pellucidar", 41
"Peter Press", 94
Pilati, Joe, 90
Pitt, Kenneth, 96
"Platinum Toad", 24, 61
Poe, Edgar Allan, 45
Poems, 102-5
Pohl, Frederik, 52
Politics, 105-6
"Popular Mechanics", 39
Pornography: the Longford Report, 124; mentioned, 124
"Potpourri", 22
Potter, Greg, 12, 37, 42, 128
Povlin, Gary, 22
Pozner, Neal, 76, 131
"Prince Achmed". See "The Adventures of Prince Achmed"
"Promethean Enterprises", 108
Pyle, Howard, 99,110

Racial prejudice, 106
Ragatzy, Anton, 105
Rapp, Nancy, 102
Raub, Mike,37
Reiniger, Lotte, 1, 2
"Riverside Quarterly", 55
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 103
"Rocket's Blast and Comicollector", 36, 54
Rocklynne, Ross, 53
Rock music, 77, 116. See also Music
Rockow, Karen, 25,46, 121
Rodriguez, Robert, 93
Romero, Edward, 10
Rotsler, Bill, 19
Rowlandson, Thomas, 58

Santesson, Hans Stefan, 46, 52
Satire, 89-91,110
"Schamoob", 7, 74, 88
Scheerbart, Paul, 3, 52, 108
Schelly, Bill, 37
School magazines, 79-80
School publications: underground, 77-78
"Science Fiction", 38
Science fiction: readership of, 45-46, 48; literature on, 45; definitions of, 47; relation to technology, 48-49; plots of, 49-50; violence and antiviolence in, 51-52; mentioned, 44-52
"Science Fiction Review", 48, 73, 98, 104, 113
"Scientific American", 94
"Scientifictionists," 39
"Sci-Fi Bulletin", 93
Scott, James R., 93
"Sec", 93
"Sense of Wonder", 37
Sequeo, John, 127
"Shangri-L'Affaires", 53
Shayon, Robert Lewis, 57
Shuster, Joe, 39
Siegel, Jerome, 38
Sime, S. H., 56
"Slam-Bang", 90
"Slaughterhouse Five", 45
Smith, Don, 11
"Smudge", 96
"Sol", 93
"Sol Reader", 8, 51
"Spectacle", 60
Spicer, Bill, 42
Spontaneity, 130
"Starling", 116
"Star Trek", 115
"Stefantasy", 37, 75, 94
Stiles, Steve, 30, 107
Stimpson, Catherine R., 56
Stories, 92-94
Strainchamps, Ethel, 87
Straw, Will, 126
Strnad, Jan, 44
Swift, Jonathan, 41
Sword and Sorcery, 44, 54-55, 126
Sykora, William, 39

Taurasi, James, 39, 57
Taylor, Leon, 126
Television: critiques of, 115; mentioned, 95
"Tellus International", 66
Theatre of Destruction, 125
Thomas, Roy, 57,109
Thompson, Don and Maggie, 57
"A Thousand Worlds", 14
Tiburzi, Paul, 60
"The Time Traveler", 38
"Titan Comics", 54
"Title", 32, 47, 75, 97, 98
Toepffer, Rodolphe, 58-59
Tolkien, J. R. R.: and Coleridge, 57; mentioned, 41, 55-57
"Tolkien Journal", 37
Toth, Alex, 42, 59, 100, 128
"Transformation", 118
"Trumpet", 49, 114
Tucker, Bob, 38
Tuttle, Lisa, 121
"Twylight", 127

Underground comix, 60-61
Underground press, 76-78
"Unicorn", 25, 26, 46, 53
"Unlimited", 51, 85
Urso, Tony and Mike, 127

Vardeman, Bob, 131
Varolika, 80, 102
Vega, Rick, 128
Verne, Jules, 45, 49, 51
Violence, 43, 51, 52, 57,125-28
von Braun, Wernher, 51
Vonnegut, Kurt, 48, 78

Wade, Dan, 39
Waldrop, Howard, 95
"Warhoon", 73, 74, 102
Warner, Harry, Jr., 33, 72, 77
"Weird Tales", 55
Wells, H. G., 45, 48-49
Wertham, Fredric: satirized, 90
"The White Stone", 42
Wilmot, Margaret, 116
"Winnie", 47
"Witzend", 73
Wolverton, Basil, 61, 126

"Xero", 48, 57, 107

Yaffe, Genie, 96
"Yandro", 11, 16, 36, 75, 83
Yeats, William Butler, 103,109
"Ye Graphic Gazette", 44

"Zygote", 77

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